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7 Outdoor Activities for Kids

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The onset of summer means that kids will soon be out of school and looking for ways to make their free time more enjoyable. Before complaints of boredom start to echo throughout the house, plan some affordable, outdoor activities to keep youngsters active and engaged during the summer.

1. Many children find the experience of eating outside to be a refreshing break from their daily routines. Instead of taking a conventional approach to planning an afternoon picnic, try heading to the park in the morning. Breakfast foods, a tablecloth and an adventurous spirit are the only requirements for this excellent activity.

2. Young children may enjoy visiting a police or fire station in their town. By calling ahead to arrange a tour, parents can give public servants an advance notice of their visit, and they will be able to prep children on proper behavior for that environment.

3. Take advantage of warm summer evenings by arranging a neighborhood sports night. Choose one parent from two different families to be the referees each week. Randomly divide kids into teams and teach them how to play games like kickball and capture the flag.

4. Instead of creating sidewalk chalk drawings, consider setting up an area in the yard where children can design their own bedroom wall hangings. Non-toxic paint, brushes and an old bed sheet are the only supplies needed for this activity.

5. Sensory experiences are an important part of childhood development, and no activity serves this purpose quite like making texture rubbings. Blank paper, crayons, and leaves or grass can be combined to create rubbings that are as unique as the child who makes them.

6. While it takes a bit of preparation on the part of a caretaker, treasure hunts are wonderful ways to stimulate a child’s mind. Simple or complex, the treasure hunt will present physical and mental challenges for kids.

7. Waterfronts offer a variety of activities that kids will enjoy that go beyond swimming and sandcastles. Search for shells, observe fish, look for unique rocks near the water or even explore vegetation. Just be sure to watch out for poison ivy.

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