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Insuring Your Holiday Gifts

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According to recent statistics, people spent 4.4% more on purchasing Christmas gifts compared to 2011. Although the rate is less than 5%, the number is significant. It points to the fact that people are purchasing more and going after various big-ticket items in stores. With the increase of gift giving, so will there be an increase of gift receiving. Since the Christmas Season has ended, now is the time for families and individuals to update home inventory lists.

A big reason for having a home inventory list is the fact that tragedies can occur to anyone, whether natural or home disasters. Making a list of household items enables people to have a record of what they own. A list can include when a piece of merchandise was purchased and for how much. While a paper list is helpful to some or a database on a computer benefits others, a number of people take pictures of their merchandise with a digital camera and label each picture on a computer with information such as where they got it and how much it was and is worth. With that information, they send a CD or a flash drive to the insurance company so they have a record of that information should a tragedy occur. Updating the home inventory list is especially important since the Christmas gifts are new and people do not want to lose their gifts.

Unfortunately, some people choose to go without home insurance and find out that they need that assistance when it is too late. Others refuse to purchase additional insurance to cover jewelry and other expensive merchandise. While there is an extra cost for this insurance, it is worth it to have that security blanket when tragedy strikes.

Home insurance is necessary for every homeowner. Having a home inventory list is vital in every home. Updating that list after Christmas concludes brings peace of mind and prepares individuals and families for the unknown.


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