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How to Create a Stress-Free and Safe Holiday Season

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You can increase your chances of having a stress-free holiday by making safety a priority. At the top of your list of things to do, should be to make certain your auto and home insurance is sufficient. Then, take steps to lessen the chances of needing to file a claim during the holidays. You don’t want accidents of any kind to be a part of your holiday.

You can create a stress-free holiday by shopping early and shopping at times when the stores are the less crowded. Prepare your gift list and shopping route at home so that you have a plan before leaving home. Distractions cause accidents so it’s important that you stay focused on your driving and on the other drivers.

There is an increase in the number of house fires during the holidays. Kitchen fires increase due to people leaving items unattended on the stove or in the oven. Some holiday decorations can actually be a fire hazard. You should inspect last year’s lights before using them again. Use only approved lighting. Decorations should be made of nonflammable material and electric outlets should not be overloaded. You can reduce your stress by using a minimal amount of decorations and making certain that the ones you do use are safe.

You can eliminate stress by making your home as safe as possible for holiday visitors. Make sure the entrance to your home is free of debris. Decorations should not obstruct or create dark areas on a walkway. Indoors, be sure there are no electrical cords lying on the floor for someone to trip over. Keep in mind that lighted candles are a high risk decoration. If you have a dog, it’s a good idea to keep it in a secure room during a party. Your dog will be safe from accidental escape and from hazardous human food. You will be assured that no one at the party gets nipped.


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